

by Martel

As I have long told anyone who will listen, the current war which Islam is waging in America is not a war fought with guns and missiles. It is a public relations war. A war of propaganda selling the mantra that Islam is a religion of peace. This is a doctrine lifted right out of the Islamic play book...the practice of Taqiyya. It is a web of lies and deceit intended to lull the infidel into a false sense of security. All the while, the speaker is sharpening the blade with which to slit the enemy's throat.

Let's travel together down memory lane...

In 2005, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the several fabulously wealthy princes of the Saudi royal family, donated $20 million to Harvard University and another $20 million to Georgetown University to establish two Islamic studies programs in the United States. Four other such centers were also established at the same time at the University of Cambridge, the University of Edinburgh, the American University in Cairo, and the American University in Beirut.

At the announcement of the donation at Harvard, the young prince gave a speech in which he said, “Bridging the understanding between East and West is important for peace and tolerance.”

So consider the sheer hypocrisy required for a Saudi prince to come to Harvard University to preach about the need for Americans to embrace understanding and religious tolerance when only one month before Alwaleed’s speech at Harvard, on November 12, 2005, a female Saudi chemistry teacher was sentenced to 750 lashes for “speaking positively about Jews” in her class. Yes. That's right. She was whipped 750 times for saying something positive about the Jewish people. To give you a sense of the severity of this punishment, the woman is fortunate to have survived. Many able bodied men have died from such a sentence.

Is this the type of religious tolerance that Prince Alwaleed wishes the West to learn about at Harvard, Georgetown, Cambridge, and Edinburgh?

To further demonstrate the absurdity of this entire charade, this is the same prince who just one year before had donated $27 million to support the families of Islamic suicide bombers in Israel. But I digress.

I'm not sure which is worse; the Saudis duplicity or the liberal lunacy which turns a blind eye to such things. If an American veteran protests the cleansing of Confederate monuments from our nations parks, he is a Nazi and should be beaten and driven out of civilized society. His very existence is an affront to liberals everywhere and will bring out the masked shock troops of Antifa in force majeure. But a man who helps to oversee the most religiously and socially restrictive regime in the world...a regime which is THE largest single state sponsor of Islamic terrorism by the way...gets a red carpet welcome at one of our nations most prestigious institutions? What's wrong with this picture people?

Apparently the high-minded and tolerant virtue signalers at Harvard are happy to prostitute themselves to the tune of $20 million in cold cash. In the same way that billions of American petro-dollars continue to pour into Saudi coffers every day, only to be funneled right back out to the soldiers of Islamic jihad who will be richly supplied with the weapons they need to rip our soldiers to shreds.

These people must toast our stupidity every single day over glasses of Dom Perignon.

Taqiyya...Islam speaks with forked tongue.