

Muslims Of The Americas

Muslims Of The Americas (MOA) is an Islamic fundamentalist group which claims to have offices in six U.S. cities and Toronto and maintains secluded residential communes in various rural areas throughout the US.

MOA was founded and is led by the radical Pakistani cleric El Sheikh Sayyid Mubarik Ali Jilani (aka Sheikh Jilani or Sheikh Gilani). Based in Lahore, Pakistan, Jilani established MOA in 1980, after arriving in the United States for the first time. In the 1980s, Jilani, who claims to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, actively recruited American Muslims to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The group also runs a Web site and an e-mail list. The group's Web site and e-mails have featured writings by notorious anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers, including Michael Hoffman and former Klansman David Duke.

The available evidence strongly suggests that MOA also serves as a public front for another more secretive group also founded by Sheik Jilani, Jamaat Al-Fuqra. Al-Fuqra is a known terrorist organization which has carried out firebombings and murders in the United States.

Of course, both Sheikh Jilani and MOA spokespersons deny that Jamaat Al-Fuqra even exists. And MOA claims to be a "peaceful" organization. However, one need not dig too much to find rather damning evidence to the contrary. For example, the following is just a small albeit representative example of the material published on the group's website.

"Jews are an example of human Satans. This is why Jews are the founders of Satan worship and Masonic lodges, and are now trying to take over the entire globe in which the global religion is to be Satanism….In the US there are now thousands of temples where Satan is worshipped. This Satanism has now become the ultimate tool in the hands of Zionists."

"The Ummah cannot afford to sit back complacently as an idle observer witnessing his own destruction. Along with a return to Allah, Muslims are required to sacrifice and aid those who are in the forefront in the field to guard the Ummah and Islam. Sallallahu-'Alayhi-Wa-Sallam said 'that there will always remain a small devoted band of his followers who will remain ever vigilant, holding aloft the Standard of Islam...exposing themselves to dangers and sacrificing their all for the Love of Allah...Muslims who are unable to enter into this field of effort and sacrifice are at least required to aid this Holy Task with their Du'as [prayers] and financial resources and with whatever other means they possess. If the Muslims fail in this duty, they will most assuredly be apprehended by the Punishment of Allah."

Hmmm. Just the kind of thing you might find in the bulletin at the local Baptist church eh?

Although group members claim their communal lifestyle is based on a desire to withdraw from the corruption of Western society and live holy lives of separatism, even a superficial investigation reveals that the truth is far more sinister.

One of these "communities" is located in Charlotte County, Virginia about 30 miles south/southeast of Lynchburg near the tiny town of Red House. The commune (or compound, as one federal prosecutor called it) was established in the mid-1990s on 44 acres in this rural county of about 12,400 people. Most of the homes there are trailers, and about 20 families were estimated to live there at the time. In the wake of the September 11 attacks, three residents of the community were indicted on criminal charges. Federal prosecutors alleged that those indicted had ties to Al-Fuqra. Two of the three residents were convicted of Federal firearms violations (read: they possessed fully automatic weapons without a license and/or documentation of purchase).

In Octrober of 2005, Baron Bodissey of Gates Of Vienna fame decided to go on the anti-jihadist equivalent of a magical mystery tour, tooling across the Western Virginia countryside in search of the elusive MOA commune. His adventures are documented here for your further enlightenment. At one point, the good Baron is interviewing one of the Red House locals about her interactions with MOA and it's various members. I found these particular comments to be most interesting indeed.

"Shirley said that there are other Jamaat locations besides the compound. One of her hobbies is historical research, and recently she was tracking down old homesteads in the wilds of Charlotte County. Her maps led her down a back-country lane, a non-state route through the wilderness that required a four-wheel drive to negotiate. When she neared the old homesteads she was looking for, she was surprised to find an establishment with a sign that identified it as a 'Training Camp for Young Muslim-American Men'. There were a lot of men there, and some boys, and they came up to us to ask us what we were doing. I was a little bit scared, you know, asking their permission to go back and look at the ruins of the house. They weren’t real helpful, just pointed us in the general direction. We never did find the place. This 'training camp' was across Route 615 and a couple of miles from the main compound on Rolling Hill Road. According to Shirley, Jamaat ul-Fuqra operated some kind of jewelry-and-essential-oils business at a kiosk at a Lynchburg Mall. A friend of hers who worked at UPS reported that the men running the kiosk would come in to collect C.O.D. packages from New York, and pay for them with large amounts of cash. Her friend didn’t understand how they could acquire such quantities of money from the kind of business they ran at the Mall."

Wonder what they're up to? Training those boys how to tie a clove hitch or fly fish? Selling Amway? Shaklee? Mary Kay? Please! Even a liberal can connect dots that big!

But perhaps no one in blogland has done more homework on the subject of those peace loving Muslim back-to-the-garden hippies at MOA/Jamaat Al-Fuqra than PolitcalCP. His comprehensive series of articles are a cyberspace clearinghouse of invaluable information about the group and it's activities, not just in Virginia, but all across the US. He has tracked down literally dozens of compounds and training centers scattered across the country, almost all of them located in remote rural areas. Thus far, he has published several posts containing more detailed information about compounds in the following states.



South Carolina (with an update here)

New York

Virginia (mentioned above)

Georgia (Compound 1 and Compound 2 and Atlanta)


He has even unearthed evidence of MOA/Jamaat Al-Fuqra presence in Canada. And he has also pointed out the close proximity of various MOA compounds to key infrastructure targets.

My hat is off to all of these friends of freedom who are sounding the alarm to peace loving people everywhere. May their tribe only increase. And may God help us to awake from our apathetic and stupified state. It's time, past time, to look around recognize the gathering storm.

Sleep with one eye open my friends. The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. - Martel