An Al Qaeda Enclave In Britain
Secret enclaves of al-Qaeda extremists based in London, Birmingham and Luton are planning mass-casualty attacks in Britain, according to a leaked Government intelligence report.
Its official, a report by the 'Ministry of Defence' has named Luton as one of several Al Qaeda enclaves within Great Britain.
Those who live in and around Luton will know that that enclave is called Bury Park which took centre stage on the morning of 7/7 and during the biggest anti-terror operation in British history up until that point which was codenamed 'Operation Crevice'.
The basis of this blog is an on the ground first hand account of my personal experience living around the area of Luton where Al Qaeda and their supporters are operating.
I have been arrested for my writings on this blog, under the charge of 'stirring up racial hatred'.
Opinionated people who think they know what is right from wrong who do not know the facts to this blog will immediately condemn me as if I have done something wrong because of the title of the charge levelled at me, because if I have been arrested for that charge then I must be bad and what I am doing is bad.
I am not like you, I do not sit in doors with the curtains shut and the TV on watching the football or the X Factor pretending I live in a perfect World because the problems are not on my frontdoor. The community I talk about is where I grew up, it is the community where my friends are dying because of what is happening, and the community I am watching being taken over before my eyes so it is my responsibility to say what I am saying (which is the truth) for the sake of the future.
I am just saying what the vast majority of people are thinking, who are too scared to say or do anything through fear, and its not surprising because I have murdering drug dealing Pakistani Moslems wanting to silence me and the British State now wanting to put me on trial, so it no wonder everyone is scared of confronting the truth.
A population forced to accept the murder of their friends and the destruction and take over of their community through fear of violent Pakistani Moslems who are linked to Al Qaeda, and the British State telling them its all a part of multi cultural Britain, the rich diverse enrichment that Moslems bring to our Country and communities and if you disagree we will arrest you.
If you dont agree with the Governments line then you are a racist and an Islamaphobe and they have laws in place to deal with you, so as to silence the dissent.
Well I dont agree and I am not a racist, I am a realist and this is my Country that my forefathers fought and died for, for me their descendant.
On my blog I have not called for violence, I have not condoned violence, or encouraged anyone else to commit violence. All I have said is the truth from my perspective based upon the facts, yet I am under arrest because I have hurt Moslems feelings and breached 'community cohesion'.
Stuff community cohesion if these people are killing my friends, destroying the community and planning to take the Country over.
We want to live in peace but if their is a hostile force taking over what are you meant to do? Just sit back and accept it?
Isn't it time people faced up to reality before its too late?
Naming Luton in this report justifies what I am saying through my blog, and reading through its pages will give you the details of what is actually happening.
In a perfect World none of this would be happening, the threat and future consequences from the Islamic religion would not have to be thought about, but we do not live in a perfect World and this is really happening on the streets of Luton & Dunstable where I live whether you like it or not.
Denial and disbelief is not going to make it go away, thats why in this short video I posted I said that people must tell the police what they know about Pakistani Moslem criminality because this is all a part of Al Qaedas strategy, funding their covert civil military operations and terror training through the trade in Taliban Heroin and all other street drugs that they control, and in the process securing a strong position on the ground with the money earned and the networks they have in place.
The network of Pakistani Moslems who are conducting the street Jihad are over flowing with drug money.
They control the ground at this moment in time, but from a very very weak position.
They have had 30 years of building their base in this area with no opposition that's why it took centre stage on 7/7 when Al Qaeda declared war upon Great Britain.
Either the powers that be accept defeat here and allow the spread of this militancy on the ground with it eventually washing up on the surrounding areas or they tackle it on the ground here, thats the simple fact of the matter, and considering their is wealth of Christian and Royal history here, it will be very telling what their thoughts and decisions are. Sacrifice and surrender or No surrender - 21st Century Warfare
Hemel Hempstead is next because Leighton Buzzard has already been targeted.
Heroin money washes in buying up businesses which then leaves networks of Pakistani Moslems on the streets to pump their drugs into the community, and then they start moving in and taking over with the money earned.
City by City, Town by Town, Village by Village the Jihad is unfolding and the authorities are powerless to act because they deny this aspect of the Jihad. Al Qaeda terror operations is one aspect, but the daily street Jihad that is taking over the Country is left to continue.
What can the Security Services do apart from watch what is happening because the State is powerless to act.
All those Moslems who are a threat to National Security should be rounded up and placed in internment camps for the safety of the British people, and the networks of Heroin suppliers and the barons should be smashed.
While the known terrorists are walking our streets no one is safe and while the Heroin business is allowed to continue they are filling their War chests with the proceeds of Taliban Heroin with which to fight their low level Civil War against us with.
If Moslem terrorists do attack as this report states then that is justification enough to intern all Moslems linked to international Islamic terror, including those who are ideologically joined to them through the internet.
National Security and the protection of the British people has got to be paramount and if Moslems disagree then they should leave the Country because its those from amongst them who have pushed everyone into a corner.
If the Queens Kingdom does not come down hard upon its enemies, then make way until the eventual take over in the future where Britain will become an Islamic State, thats just the basic facts of the matter.
From The Daily Telegraph:
The document, which was drawn up by the intelligence branch of the Ministry of Defence, MI5 and Special Branch, states that "some thousands" of extremists are active in the UK. They are predominantly UK-born and aged between 18 and 30, and many are believed to have been trained in overseas terrorist camps.
Under the heading "International Terrorism", the report, which is marked "restricted" states: "For the foreseeable future the UK will continue to be a high-priority target for international terrorists aligned with al-Qaeda. It will face a threat from British nationals, including Muslim converts, and UK-based foreign terrorists, as well as terrorists planning attacks from abroad."
The report states that the threat from the Islamist extremist community in the UK is "diverse and widely distributed" but adds that the numbers of terrorist in Britain is "difficult to judge".
The document does state, however, that the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, which is based in MI5's headquarters at Thames House in London, estimates that there are "some thousands of extremists in the UK committed to supporting Jihadi activities, either in the UK or abroad".
A year ago Jonathan Evans, the director general of MI5, said in a speech that his organisation had identified that there were at least 2,000 individuals who posed a threat to national security and public safety.
Since 2001, over 1,200 terrorist suspect have been arrested, over 140 have been charged and more than 45 have been convicted of terrorism offences, according to Home Office figures. It is also estimated that there are some 200 terrorist networks functioning in Britain today who are involved in at least 30 plots.
But this latest security assessment appears to suggest that the number of individuals who now pose a threat to the UK is even higher.
The report continues: "The majority of extremists are British nationals of south Asian, mainly Pakistani origin but there are also extremists from north and east Africa, Iraq and the Middle East, and a number of converts. The overwhelming majority of extremists are male, typically in the 18-30 age range.
"The main extremist concentrations are in London, Birmingham, with significant extremist networks in the South East, notably Luton. Extremist networks are principally engaged in spreading their extremist message, training, fund raising and procuring non-lethal military equipment to support the Jihads in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, and sending recruits to the conflicts.
Secret enclaves of al-Qaeda extremists based in London, Birmingham and Luton are planning mass-casualty attacks in Britain, according to a leaked Government intelligence report.
Its official, a report by the 'Ministry of Defence' has named Luton as one of several Al Qaeda enclaves within Great Britain.
Those who live in and around Luton will know that that enclave is called Bury Park which took centre stage on the morning of 7/7 and during the biggest anti-terror operation in British history up until that point which was codenamed 'Operation Crevice'.
The basis of this blog is an on the ground first hand account of my personal experience living around the area of Luton where Al Qaeda and their supporters are operating.
I have been arrested for my writings on this blog, under the charge of 'stirring up racial hatred'.
Opinionated people who think they know what is right from wrong who do not know the facts to this blog will immediately condemn me as if I have done something wrong because of the title of the charge levelled at me, because if I have been arrested for that charge then I must be bad and what I am doing is bad.
I am not like you, I do not sit in doors with the curtains shut and the TV on watching the football or the X Factor pretending I live in a perfect World because the problems are not on my frontdoor. The community I talk about is where I grew up, it is the community where my friends are dying because of what is happening, and the community I am watching being taken over before my eyes so it is my responsibility to say what I am saying (which is the truth) for the sake of the future.
I am just saying what the vast majority of people are thinking, who are too scared to say or do anything through fear, and its not surprising because I have murdering drug dealing Pakistani Moslems wanting to silence me and the British State now wanting to put me on trial, so it no wonder everyone is scared of confronting the truth.
A population forced to accept the murder of their friends and the destruction and take over of their community through fear of violent Pakistani Moslems who are linked to Al Qaeda, and the British State telling them its all a part of multi cultural Britain, the rich diverse enrichment that Moslems bring to our Country and communities and if you disagree we will arrest you.
If you dont agree with the Governments line then you are a racist and an Islamaphobe and they have laws in place to deal with you, so as to silence the dissent.
Well I dont agree and I am not a racist, I am a realist and this is my Country that my forefathers fought and died for, for me their descendant.
On my blog I have not called for violence, I have not condoned violence, or encouraged anyone else to commit violence. All I have said is the truth from my perspective based upon the facts, yet I am under arrest because I have hurt Moslems feelings and breached 'community cohesion'.
Stuff community cohesion if these people are killing my friends, destroying the community and planning to take the Country over.
We want to live in peace but if their is a hostile force taking over what are you meant to do? Just sit back and accept it?
Isn't it time people faced up to reality before its too late?
Naming Luton in this report justifies what I am saying through my blog, and reading through its pages will give you the details of what is actually happening.
In a perfect World none of this would be happening, the threat and future consequences from the Islamic religion would not have to be thought about, but we do not live in a perfect World and this is really happening on the streets of Luton & Dunstable where I live whether you like it or not.
Denial and disbelief is not going to make it go away, thats why in this short video I posted I said that people must tell the police what they know about Pakistani Moslem criminality because this is all a part of Al Qaedas strategy, funding their covert civil military operations and terror training through the trade in Taliban Heroin and all other street drugs that they control, and in the process securing a strong position on the ground with the money earned and the networks they have in place.
The network of Pakistani Moslems who are conducting the street Jihad are over flowing with drug money.
They control the ground at this moment in time, but from a very very weak position.
They have had 30 years of building their base in this area with no opposition that's why it took centre stage on 7/7 when Al Qaeda declared war upon Great Britain.
Either the powers that be accept defeat here and allow the spread of this militancy on the ground with it eventually washing up on the surrounding areas or they tackle it on the ground here, thats the simple fact of the matter, and considering their is wealth of Christian and Royal history here, it will be very telling what their thoughts and decisions are. Sacrifice and surrender or No surrender - 21st Century Warfare
Hemel Hempstead is next because Leighton Buzzard has already been targeted.
Heroin money washes in buying up businesses which then leaves networks of Pakistani Moslems on the streets to pump their drugs into the community, and then they start moving in and taking over with the money earned.
City by City, Town by Town, Village by Village the Jihad is unfolding and the authorities are powerless to act because they deny this aspect of the Jihad. Al Qaeda terror operations is one aspect, but the daily street Jihad that is taking over the Country is left to continue.
What can the Security Services do apart from watch what is happening because the State is powerless to act.
All those Moslems who are a threat to National Security should be rounded up and placed in internment camps for the safety of the British people, and the networks of Heroin suppliers and the barons should be smashed.
While the known terrorists are walking our streets no one is safe and while the Heroin business is allowed to continue they are filling their War chests with the proceeds of Taliban Heroin with which to fight their low level Civil War against us with.
If Moslem terrorists do attack as this report states then that is justification enough to intern all Moslems linked to international Islamic terror, including those who are ideologically joined to them through the internet.
National Security and the protection of the British people has got to be paramount and if Moslems disagree then they should leave the Country because its those from amongst them who have pushed everyone into a corner.
If the Queens Kingdom does not come down hard upon its enemies, then make way until the eventual take over in the future where Britain will become an Islamic State, thats just the basic facts of the matter.
From The Daily Telegraph:
The document, which was drawn up by the intelligence branch of the Ministry of Defence, MI5 and Special Branch, states that "some thousands" of extremists are active in the UK. They are predominantly UK-born and aged between 18 and 30, and many are believed to have been trained in overseas terrorist camps.
Under the heading "International Terrorism", the report, which is marked "restricted" states: "For the foreseeable future the UK will continue to be a high-priority target for international terrorists aligned with al-Qaeda. It will face a threat from British nationals, including Muslim converts, and UK-based foreign terrorists, as well as terrorists planning attacks from abroad."
The report states that the threat from the Islamist extremist community in the UK is "diverse and widely distributed" but adds that the numbers of terrorist in Britain is "difficult to judge".
The document does state, however, that the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, which is based in MI5's headquarters at Thames House in London, estimates that there are "some thousands of extremists in the UK committed to supporting Jihadi activities, either in the UK or abroad".
A year ago Jonathan Evans, the director general of MI5, said in a speech that his organisation had identified that there were at least 2,000 individuals who posed a threat to national security and public safety.
Since 2001, over 1,200 terrorist suspect have been arrested, over 140 have been charged and more than 45 have been convicted of terrorism offences, according to Home Office figures. It is also estimated that there are some 200 terrorist networks functioning in Britain today who are involved in at least 30 plots.
But this latest security assessment appears to suggest that the number of individuals who now pose a threat to the UK is even higher.
The report continues: "The majority of extremists are British nationals of south Asian, mainly Pakistani origin but there are also extremists from north and east Africa, Iraq and the Middle East, and a number of converts. The overwhelming majority of extremists are male, typically in the 18-30 age range.
"The main extremist concentrations are in London, Birmingham, with significant extremist networks in the South East, notably Luton. Extremist networks are principally engaged in spreading their extremist message, training, fund raising and procuring non-lethal military equipment to support the Jihads in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, and sending recruits to the conflicts.

The above picture is of a convicted Pakistani Moslem heroin & crack dealer dressed as a suicide bomber at a Moslem demonstration in London. He is from Bedford which is a ten minute drive from Luton. He eventually went on to work for British Rail! This is the lunacy of modern Britain.
[I have taken the liberty of reposting this article directly from Lionheart, the blog of a brave fellow warrior in the struggle for the soul of Western Civilization. If I could shout it from the housetops, I would tell the world of the ordeal of Paul Ray. Having been arrested by the British authorities on charges of racism and "stirring up racial hatred", he has now been forced to flee his beloved Britain because of death threats from the British Jihadists. This brave patriot now faces an uncertain future. His "crime"? Just this: Warning you, precious reader, of the looming peril of unrestrained immigration and the forces of violent cultural change which it is bringing to Great Britain. For more on his plight, watch BOTH of these videos while you still can. Soon, the Thought Police will have them expunged.
Paul's Arrest
Paul On The 700 Club
WAKE UP MY FRIENDS! Today Britain, tomorrow the world. Now is not the time for idle words. While we engage in polite discussion, the forces of Jihad are moving in the shadows. While we hold hands and sing another chorus of 'Kum Ba Yah', the enemies of Western Civilization are plotting and seeking positions of advantage. While we discuss universal healthcare and the liberal myth of "job creation", those with a REAL vision of the future are working tirelessly to ensure that your future health will be a non-issue. Now is the time for action my friends! We must raise a voice...a LOUD voice! A voice of protest. A voice of reason. A voice of sanity amidst the vast ocean of political lunacy which surrounds us. If we continue down this road, then liberty will be eclipsed in this generation. Does this make you afraid? Good! You NEED to be afraid my friends. Be VERY afraid! If merely saying in print what The Lionheart has dared to say means you can and will be charged and tried as a criminal, then liberty lies bleeding in the streets. Listen closely...that sound you hear is the the jackbooted feet of the Staatspolizei marching down YOUR street. Can The Four Horsemen be far behind? - Martel]
Paul's Arrest
Paul On The 700 Club
WAKE UP MY FRIENDS! Today Britain, tomorrow the world. Now is not the time for idle words. While we engage in polite discussion, the forces of Jihad are moving in the shadows. While we hold hands and sing another chorus of 'Kum Ba Yah', the enemies of Western Civilization are plotting and seeking positions of advantage. While we discuss universal healthcare and the liberal myth of "job creation", those with a REAL vision of the future are working tirelessly to ensure that your future health will be a non-issue. Now is the time for action my friends! We must raise a voice...a LOUD voice! A voice of protest. A voice of reason. A voice of sanity amidst the vast ocean of political lunacy which surrounds us. If we continue down this road, then liberty will be eclipsed in this generation. Does this make you afraid? Good! You NEED to be afraid my friends. Be VERY afraid! If merely saying in print what The Lionheart has dared to say means you can and will be charged and tried as a criminal, then liberty lies bleeding in the streets. Listen closely...that sound you hear is the the jackbooted feet of the Staatspolizei marching down YOUR street. Can The Four Horsemen be far behind? - Martel]